Oh Lord I wanna go, but they won’t let me go…


I find myself singing cadence sometimes, for no really good reason. I’ll be washing dishes, folding laundry or putting kids in the car and in my head I am singing the scores that kept me marching on back in Basic Training and AIT. Most of the lyrics are highly inappropriate for the children to hear, the last thing I want the kids singing is about chopping up villages with machettes or blowing things away with oozies, so I keep them in my head. I’m not sure if the cadence serves the same purpose as it did back then, but I imagine I use it as something of a coping mechanism for tasks that I find mundane, boring or monotonous. Interestingly, I rarely sing them while working out, I find pop Top 40 music more appealing for that purpose.

I never really thought I’d be rocking out to Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and PitBull, but several times a week I do. Heck, while I’m on the subject of listening material, I accidentally uploaded an entire 16 song Kidz Bop CD to my MP3 player and I was on the treadmill, running, humming along and I was mid-2nd song before I realized it was KIDS singing the familiar tunes.

Training for another half marathon

This one is part of the Go! St. Louis fitness weekend. There is a full marathon, a half marathon, a 10k, a 5k, and many other events, including ones for small children. I’m doing the half marathon, but unlike the one I did in September, my goal this time is to run the entire thing. Now, when i say run, I mean not walk as my run isn’t terribly fast. I joined a group that meets up on Saturday mornings to help keep me motivated and for the comradery that comes with training for a common goal.

I got a new pair of shoes right before Christmas and I’m suffering from shin splints on my left leg. I picked up one of the compression sleeves for it and it definately is offering a great deal of relief and I’m icing it as well. Most people would take some Motrin, but I’m terribly allergic (like I’m the person the warning label talks about who gets facial swelling, difficulty breathing, and hives). Tylenol just doesn’t do the trick and I fear liver damage from excessive usage, so I will tough this one out.

Here is a small confession. WHen I was in the Army I was definately physically fit, however, I didn’t complete the 12 mile forced ruck march. Nope. I rode on the back of the gimp truck for about 2 miles. So, for me, just completing the last half-marathon was a major thing in my book, I was telling myself that I really could do something big if I put my mind to it. This time, I want to beat my last time, and I want to run the whole thing.